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Your search returned 34 results.

Fetal brain response to maternal inflammation requires microglia

Bridget Elaine LaMonica Ostrem, Nuria Dominguez Iturza, Jeffrey Stogsdill, et al.

Selected by Manuel Lessi

Nanos2+ cells give rise to germline and somatic lineages in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis

Andreas Denner, Julia Steger, Alexander Ries, et al.

Selected by Isabella Cisneros

2D and 3D multiplexed subcellular profiling of nuclear instability in human cancer

Shannon Coy, Brian Cheng, Jong Suk Lee, et al.

Selected by Jade Chan

A direct experimental test of Ohno’s hypothesis

Ljiljana Mihajlovic, Bharat Ravi Iyengar, Florian Baier, et al.

Selected by Alejandra Herbert Leffler's Lab

The genome of the colonial hydroid Hydractinia reveals their stem cells utilize a toolkit of evolutionarily shared genes with all animals

Christine E. Schnitzler, E. Sally Chang, Justin Waletich, et al.

Selected by Isabella Cisneros

DNA methylation rates scale with maximum lifespan across mammals

Samuel. J. C. Crofts, Eric Latorre-Crespo, Tamir Chandra

Selected by Jennifer Ann Black

A data-driven Boolean model explains memory subsets and evolution in CD8+ T cell exhaustion

Geena V. Ildefonso, Stacey D. Finley

Selected by Benjamin Dominik Maier

CTCF is essential for proper mitotic spindle structure and anaphase segregation

Katherine Chiu, Yasmin Berrada, Nebiyat Eskndir, et al.

Selected by Saanjbati Adhikari

Lightning Fast and Highly Sensitive Full-Length Single-cell sequencing using FLASH-Seq

Vincent Hahaut, Dinko Pavlinic, Cameron Cowan, et al.

Selected by Jennifer Ann Black

A genome-wide knock-out screen for actors of epigenetic silencing reveals new regulators of germline genes and 2-cell like cell state

Nikhil Gupta, Lounis Yakhou, Julien Richard Albert, et al.

Selected by María Mariner-Faulí

Scaling of cellular proteome with ploidy

Galal Yaha, Paul Menges, Devi Anggraini Ngandiri, et al.

Selected by Jennifer Ann Black

Ecological basis and genetic architecture of crypsis polymorphism in the desert clicker grasshopper (Ligurotettix coquilletti)

Timothy K. O’Connor, Marissa C. Sandoval, Jiarui Wang, et al.

Selected by Riddhi Deshmukh